Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April Meeting Reminder

The meeting will be Thursday, April 10th at the Christian Church.   I have a few misc. photos from the last few months.  I don't have pictures of everything, but here a few show and tell pictures.

Multiple size zipper pouches by Penny

Nadine's apron

Tatting by Fukuko

I hope someone can tell me whose!

Oops, I don't know, possibly Priscilla?




Monday, January 6, 2014

Highlights from November 2013

Judy's demo on raggy edge binding
Raggy binding after washing
Here are a few pictures from the October meeting.  I wasn't at the November or December meetings.  The next meeting is Thursday, January 9.  Join us for some fun, new projects for the coming year!

I took notes, but can't find them and I don't remember who made or quilted all the quilts!

Penny's LOTS of threadwork

Santa quilt pieced by Julie's friend, inherited and quilt by Julie, given to Sharon


quilted by Diana

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Northwest Burn Foundation Quilt Delivery

Rosan sent me these pictures a few months ago, but I forgot to post them.  She delivered a large number of quilts to be used for the Northwest Foundation Family Burn Camp to Executive Director Amber in western Washington, who was delighted to receive them.


August and September pictures

Helping Hand quilt finished by Joyce B.
 These are some of the pictures from July and August meetings. 
Patriotic quilt by Diana P.

Helping Hands quilt finished by Sharon B.

small wallhanging quilted by Julie from leftovers pieced by a friend

friend of Judy S.

friend of Judy S.

friend of Judy S.

friend of Judy S.

friend of Judy S.

Donna K. casserole carrier, she gave a program on these in August.

Donna K. Veteran's quilt

Joyce B.

Mary Margret

Sue W. very small wallhanging from a class

Baby quilt with John Deere backing by Julie H.
Baby quilt from panel by Julie H.

Tile wallhanging from fabric by Joyce B.

Mini quilt made by Julie H.

Kaffe Fassett Hexagons by Julie H.

1/2 yard challenge quilt by Julie H.
Christmas Block Robin by Julie H.

Row Robin top by Julie H. from internet group

Clearwater Quilters Row Robin from several years ago.  Assembled by Julie H.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

July Highlights

My life is chaotic and as most of you know my summer has not gone as planned.  Here are a few photos from the July meeting.  The August meeting is August 8th, Virginia is signed up for a program.

Guest Kathy R. table topper wanting opinions for quilting

Mary Margret






Priscilla, based on an original piece of art.  Hand appliqued and quilted.