Sunday, February 10, 2013

February Meeting Reminder

The Clearwater Quilters meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 14th at the First Christian Church.  Social time is at 6:30 with the meeting starting at 7.  The program will be by Penny and Sue. We hope to see you there!

HIghlights of January Meeting

Batik strips by Julie
 A small group braved the snowstorm for our January meeting.  Thanks to Sue W. for volunteering to be our president for this coming year!

A hands on program was put on by Penny and Rosan making flowers with the Clover flower makers. 

Here are some of the photos from show and tell. Julie (me) isn't used to taking photos and kept forgetting!
Donna K.

Birthday blocks top by Julie

strip quilts by Mary Margret

Easy Street Mystery quilt (Bonnie Hunter design) by Julie

Challenge block (12" finished) by Sharon

baby quilt by Sharon

back of military quilt for grandson by Mary Margret

some of the flowers from our demo